In addition to the time we invest in developing the wealth of content found on our HOA Lawyer Blog and, our firm authors articles addressing popular issues faced by our HOA clients and industry partners. The information contained in the articles below may be of value to you, your homeowners association and its management.

The New State of HOA Election Laws
The Impact of SB 323 on Association Election Requirements
Workplace Harassment in a HOA Environment
The impact of Senate Bill 1300 on the employer liability of HOAs and HOA management companies.
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New Protections Against the Misuse of HOA Funds
AB 2912 – Understanding the new financial review requirements and funds transfer restrictions.
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Water Damage Claims in your Condo Association
Understanding the proper role and use of your condo association’s insurance.
Inspection and Copying of Association Records
An overview of HOA member record-inspection rights and the related requirements of the HOA.
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HOA Compliance with California Pesticide Regulations
An overview of the pesticide notification requirements applicable to HOAs and HOA vendors.
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'Tendering' Lawsuits Brought Against the HOA
Helpful guidance for HOA Boards and management professionals when a lawsuit is filed against the HOA.
HOA Reserve Accounts & Reserve Studies
Understanding the importance of properly funding and maintaining a HOA reserve account.
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Responding to Requests for Accommodation
What constitutes a disability and what information is obtainable by a HOA in connection with a requested accommodation.
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The Basics of AB 805
An overview of the substantive changes to the Davis-Stirling Act effective January, 2014.
HOA Concerns in Contracting with Vendors
Understanding how to protect the interests of the HOA and its members.
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Committees: Delegating Authority to Achieve Efficiency
Utilizing committees to circumvent Civil Code constraints on conducting HOA business.
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Disabled Residents and the Law
The legal obligations of a HOA in accommodating disabled residents.
Rogue Directors: Battling Bad Behavior
Measures for dealing with improper HOA Director conduct.
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Challenges to HOA Elections: Facts and Consequences
The who, what, when and why of HOA election disputes.
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HOA Repair and Renovation Loans
Issues and concerns relating to borrowing by an association.
Bankrupt Owners in Your HOA
Bankruptcy basics and the common issues affecting associations.
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Surveillance Cameras in your HOA
The potential benefits of HOA surveillance cameras and guidelines for their use.
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Drifting Tobacco Smoke in the Condo Enviornment
Understanding HOA rights and obligations to prevent unwanted smoke exposure.
SB 563: Boards and their Business
A breakdown of the 2011 legislation impacting HOA Board meetings.
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SB 150: The Impact on HOA Rental Restrictions
Why HOAs must evaluate their rental restrictions NOW.
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Absorbing Credit Card Transaction Fees
Why providing credit card processing of HOA assessments may be problematic for a HOA.
READ NOW- (Another) Important Update! Court lifts...
In the ever-continuing saga known as the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), the District Court for […]
- 5th Circuit Grants Stay, Corporate Transparency...
Update: Compliance is not currently required and the next hearing is scheduled for March 25, […]
- BREAKING NEWS! Federal Court Issues Nationwide...
The Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”), enacted in December 2020, aims to increase corporate […]
- SB-410 (Grayson) Common interest developments:...
Would add the resulting inspection report of the exterior elevated elements to the list of […]
- SB-811 (Caballero) Common interest developments:...
Most likely a spot bill, this bill would make nonsubstantive changes related to document delivery. […]
- SB-677 (Wiener) Housing development: streamlined...
Would make void and unenforceable any provision of a governing document that effectively prohibits […]